Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Pushing 40

One year.

That's how much time I have left until I'm 40.

I never thought I'd be this introspective abiut my life so far, but after the last five years I've come a long way from where I thought I'd be.

So that means one year--on my own deadline--to build the life of my dreams.

What does that entail? Honestly there are a lot of days when I simple don't remember anymore.

If you had told me twenty years ago that I would be working in an office I would have scoffed. I was going to be a rock star, remember?

Funny how responsibility has a way of reshuffling our dreams.

I'm kidding of course. I know exactly what I want for my life. Getting it is the challenge, but you wouldn't believe how close I am.

So here's the last leg of that journey. What happens in the next half of my life is still up in the air, but I know with absolute certainty where I'll be when  I hit forty. And i don't mind telling you, I'm pretty excited about it.

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